Baby Thursday Review — Oct 13

16 min readOct 15, 2022

Another two weeks have passed since the last time we talked! So did we! We are, indeed, growing more comprehensive, thoughtful, and sustainable each day. As always, we have brought overachieved accomplishments, and worth expecting updates. We are getting each and every effort and time we put into paid off, HODL and BUIDL to embrace our next phase!

If you missed it, you might join our Discord here to stay informed, acquire first-hand news, and gain better insight on Baby! Additionally, stay tuned for our next Baby Thursday! 🏃🏻

OR join our Baby’s Whale Chat here to receive more leaks and information promptly, speak with Baby directly and interact with other babies more effectively.

Can’t wait to check with you together again about the important reviews and expectations of the Baby Thursday on October 13th, 2022 right away.

After Greetings and Introductions

Uncle Terry: Can’t wait to get into our review session for all the achievements and changes made in the past two weeks! So much has been going on! Tons of fresh stuff along with significant movement and exciting activities! Oops, sorry for taking away your lines, Ava, lol. I just wanna show off how updated I am especially with Baby!

Baby Ava: Jajajajaja, good for you! Since Terry has started the conversation for me, Let’s proceed! Oh, but before we start, have you all participated in our idea collection and sharing sessions? Brainstorm for the DID Achievement Board, your preferred latest updates and optimizations, recommendations on NFT projects, the encore of specific features, and reasons to choose Baby. We value your voices because it’s a metaverse for all babies. Leave your comments and you can always share your feedback, suggestions, or ideas on Baby Whale’s Chat, I will always be there checking and listening as well!

Okie, let’s now start! Firstly, we made a huge movement and fast action, as well as bug restoration and feature optimization. The significant action we took, refers to the fact that we officially terminated the Trade Mining last week. It was the plan for us to transfer from Stake to Earn to Baby Wonderland Hold to Earn in the very beginning step by step, however, due to the unexpected attack and security assurance, we suspended the trade mining contract, and remove the previously pre-minted Trade Mining rewards to our marketing wallet address for Hold to Earn in the future immediately. You can monitor that part at any time! Your assets are totally safe and the daily output has decreased to 18 BABY per block now! That’s correct, we are about to actually Hold to Earn on Baby Wonderland soon, which will be explained later.

Next, a display bug was fixed on Baby Farms weeks ago that showed 0 APR in Farms with BNB pairs. Again, your assets are safe with us! It was just a display bug with liquidity running smoothly and normally. And a huge shout out to babies who detected the bug and reported it in a timely manner! BUIDLing!!

Then it comes to the optimization we’ve made on Lucky Baby Scratch Card with DID tasks. We have found out that some users or bots have connected and disconnected their social media accounts to DID addresses several times for scratch card points. We terminated the tasks and optimized them as quickly as possible. Definitely, we won’t allow this to happen because these users or bots directly took away the rewards in the prize pool that was supposed to give to all babies. No more cheating and bots allowed this time as we have upgraded it to a one-off task to connect your social media accounts ALL to one DID address, yes, not 4 tasks of connecting your Twitter, Telegram, Email, and Discord accounts to DID, but to connect all 4 of them to complete this one task. No extra points will be given if the task was completed once before. Let’s BUIDL an equal and friendly environment for everyone!

Uncle Terry: Every action we take is for the sake of all babies’ security, convenience, profit, and fun! Babies are our friends and partners to BUIDL our Baby Metaverse to perfection and the best. So honored to be one of them!

Baby Ava: Same here! We love and accept all feedback, advice, and ideas from everyone :) And always appreciate the support for all the decisions we made!

Moving on, you can now send your invitations with your land coordinates on your Twitter and Telegram! Go to ‘My Land’ on the Land, click on the land that you wanna share, locate it on the map, and press the ‘Share’ button directly to make your unique housewarming party invitation with your exclusive link with your coordinates in it. You can always share it with a screenshot of your land location for fellow babies to easily find you! Not only that, we are progressing each day for the babies’ best convenience. You can now find your desired land on BabySwap NFT Market, click on the coordinates in its ‘Details’ to guide you directly to this specific land on Baby Wonderland in an instant! Making your trade on our NFT Market easier with the targeted search with the advanced filter on the Land, and now convenient access from our NFT Market to the Land. Either way around, get the land you want and get ready for our big update on Land soon! It’s time for us babies to shill everywhere! We are making the land better.

Uncle Terry: Can’t agree more! Already prepared to harvest for the HODL and BUIDL that I am doing all the time! And btw, congrats on reaching over 8,000 vBABY holders last week! You guys are making an excellent decision!

Baby Ava: Yessss! Privileged identity and effortless passive income in vBABY, it’s actually another way of Hold-to-Earn, nice choice!

As we have mentioned Hold to Earn, let’s go deeper! You can see that we have made some detailed introductions and explanations of some important vocabulary, factors, and calculations on it, which implies it will be released very very soon! So we want you to be prepared well before its official launch. Briefly speaking, Hold to earn represents the new and effective way of earning on Baby MetaFi, if you don’t want to make any combo, you can also earn by just simply HODL, however, we all know that combo comes with higher profit. And Prosperity Points, the core feature of Baby Wonderland that all land possesses naturally and differs in rarity (Normal — 100 PPs, Premium — 120 PPs), size, and some other factors, as well as Land Multiplier, each merged land will have multipliers and based on its rarity, the PPs will be even bigger if it’s a merged Premium land.

Think about it, you can link all these factors together, and you know the core drill about Hold to Earn — The more merged and Premium land you hold, the higher Prosperity Points you own, the greater the proportion of your Prosperity Points in the Babyverse, and the more BABY you will earn.

Uncle Terry: Could you remind us of the PP calculation again? So we can check ours and make wise combos before its launch.

Baby Ava: Sure! It’s also easy to calculate your PP if you have in mind all the numbers and rules. At the very beginning of the PP disclosure, I have given you guys an example to calculate PP, today let’s do a different one!

Mark that each merged land will have a multiplier as below:

2x2 will have a 1.5x multiplier

3x3 will have a 2.5x multiplier

4x4 will have a 3.5x multiplier

5x5 will have a 4.5x multiplier

6x6 will have a 5.5x multiplier

Check the new example

If user A has 12 lands in total with 4 of them being Premium and 8 of them being Normal, with different combinations and locations, how many combos and possibilities are there?

Check the map here

Let’s take 2–3 mins to do simple math together

We will have more than one possibility in one method, but let’s just choose the one that makes the most PPs here.

Method 1: 12 of 1*1 lands — Total Prosperity Points = 1,280


Method 2: 2 of 2*2 lands with all of them being Premium + 4 of 1*1 lands with 2 of them being Premium — Total Prosperity Points = 1,880


Method 3: 1 of 3*3 land + 3 of 1*1 with 1 of them being Premium — Total Prosperity Points = 3,020


Congrats to those who got the same answer as I did! You guys are ready to go! And as I said before, the greater the proportion of your Prosperity Points in the Babyverse will get you more BABY. The percentage of dividing your own PP by the Global PP is the proportion of the BABY you can claim as a reward. The more the merrier as always!

Uncle Terry: I got the same answers! Nailed it! And I am getting more for sure!

Baby Ava: Yess you got it!

Aside from rarity and size, we also talked about other factors to increase your PP such as Landlord, PP on other islands, Resources, Buildings, and so on, in our Hold to Earn overview medium here.

The landlord is that users can use certain NFTs as the Landlord to add Prosperity Point to their lands. BWC holders can definitely use Wealthy babies as Landlords, and more NFT projects will be announced later on.

Another good news from Ava. Ava always brings good news :p, Diamond Hand holders can use them as Landlords to add PP on your lands, and they will be airdropped with lands on other islands later! Diamond Hands are valuable and exclusive! We will have our DH snapshot of the month soon, so take your chance!

Next, the PP for land on other islands won’t be the same as the lands on the Main Land, the points will be relatively low. Mint more lands on the Main Land when there are still lands left! That’s why early birds always win more! If you recall the specialties of other islands, you know that their advantages here are the production of different Resources and different styles of Buildings, which affect our PP as well. To save you time looking, I will paste their descriptions here:

Scorpion Land

Seems like a scorpion symbolizes something special in this Land. Please do not take it wrong, it’s something sacred instead of evil. There might be sand storms, but you will always know the way home. If you decide to move to the Scorpion Land, you will be living in ancient earthen buildings.

Frosty Land

It’s freezing cold!! Take my word for it — you should be wearing some warm clothes here! How could it be so cold and covered with ice and snow? It’s so cold that even the time can freeze — the clock ticks way too slow that one second is like forever. If you decide to move to the Frosty Land, you will be living in Igloos with thick furs.

Ghost Land

Boo! Please never ever venture out at night. With the exception of Wednesdays, though, when you need some thrills! The brave and adventurous nature of babies makes it possible to embark on exciting adventures wherever! Oh, and the ghosts here seem to be rather hospitable from what you can imagine — after I unintentionally left the fire on one day, they turned it off for me! What are they seeking? Will we coexist harmoniously here? If you decide to move to the Ghost Land, you will be living in old castles with nothing but bravery.

Wizard Land

Do not talk about common sense here because it’s the world of magic! The home of wizards is saturated with mysterious and miraculous buildings, magics, and herbs. Be very careful if someone hands you a drink, you could end up turning into a rabbit or some other creature! Explore whatever you want, but don’t trespass on wizards’ properties or piss them off because they are brilliant in the pharmacy. You surely don’t like to be drugged. If you decide to move to the Wizard Land, you will be living in vial-shaped houses with a large cauldron in your backyard.

Divinity Land

Faith is on top of anything here! Your sins will be washed away once you step on the land. The soil and air will sublimate your soul for ultimate inner peace. Do you see the light that indicates victory in the future? Do you lay aside all the love and hatred from the secular world? Seek your faith, and go for omniscience. If you decide to move to the Divinity Land, you will be living in white and sharp-roof buildings where you can meditate at any time.

See? We have all planned. So don’t hesitate to be the early bird to mind more on the Main Land to boost your PP, get more Premium, and trade on our NFT Market to merge your lands first! All the other factors that come out later will just make your PP even bigger! Lastly and most importantly, PP on Land is scheduled to be launched next week! Keep your HODLing and HODL more to earn!

Uncle Terry: Wow, we DOPE! I’ve got this feeling that other islands will have something special and unique, different settings and specialties are not there for nothing!

Baby Ava: Exactly! We first have to think about the big picture of the Land then make each and every step to have them take into effect. So always be patient and we will get there!

For this Oct, we’ve already done several optimizations and upgrades, and we will definitely have some more in the next few weeks. Remember the small ‘Pending’ icon on the right-hand side of the screen when you trade on our Swap page? We will add the ongoing transaction amount there as well. So if you have several transactions pending, it may take a few minutes to process. Don’t worry about being stuck or having any internet delay when you don’t see the pop-up window, check ‘Pending’ there with a specific amount to ensure your transactions are on the way.

Big feature updates including PP on Land launch soon, as well as Baby Tool Page, a navigation page specially designed for babies to have direct access to many other projects, games, websites, etc. To not only benefit users by saving time searching on google or their Twitter accounts but also have the authoritative assurance with their official websites or links to avoid scams! Just like the Trending Page we have right now with the top gainers and 24 hours real-time tokens with the top trading volume on our home page, the Baby Tool Page can be your guide to discover the trending websites, popular games, CEX, authoritative social media accounts, KOLs and so on! This will be launched approximately at the end of October!

Coming next, Land for the mobile version is in high demand. Our thoughtful baby from our community has made a video about how to mint land on your mobile phone with the Trust wallet. The official one is in progress! It won’t be too soon I have to say because the web one and mobile one are two completely different systems with some technical adaptability that I have no idea about :p So our devs need to basically develop the land all over again on mobile, and due to the size problem to fit our huge land map, it takes quite some time and effort. So please give our devs some time to do it! Hopefully, it can be launched soon next month!

Uncle Terry: We will! Take as much time as they need to present the best land on mobile as well! BUIDLers!!

Baby Ava: Indeed! Again, Real BUIDLers fear nothing, we just need more time to make things as perfect as possible before we present them to you guys! And did you all check our Quarter Review post on October 1st? With our major products and milestones in Q3 of 2022, OMG, we are overachievers for sure! I didn’t see many projects like us, to BUIDL whenever! So let’s keep that up! So looking forward to seeing our quarter review for Q4 by the end of the year!

We are about to go right into the live question part. But let me introduce the new rule starting next Thursday — we will be using Whale’s chat for question gathering for better display and info check. The reason we will be using Whale’s chat is also related to Baby DAO that we will be transferring into. Whale’s chat will be a major place for proposals and so on, so I want you guys to be more familiar with it! But I will be doing the live question here today as well. Remember to send the questions to Whales chat next Thursday!! I will be having a special topic for every Thursday.

Community Q&A time!

Baby #1: Does Land have governance power?

Baby Ava: Yes!

Baby #1: Will it be used for DAO voting?

Baby Ava: YES!!

Baby #2: Hey Ava! Will Building in the metaverse be with vox editor?

Baby Ava: That’s a great idea!

Baby #3: Will the mint price on the other islands be the same as the Main Land?

Baby Ava: No, they will be different. But I can’t tell you a detailed number now.

Baby #4: Do you already have an idea of ​​how much more the BWC will give them PPs for our lands?

Baby Ava: That will be announced after PP gets online next Monday. Oops! I think it’s next Monday! We’ll see :p

Baby #5: Baby Ava, I want to keep accumulating land but I would like to know if rewards are starting this month or next and for us to have a Feature to make offers to.

Baby Ava: Yes, it will start this month!

Baby #6: Are there other metaverses similar to Wonderland? What would be the closest thing similar? And what will Baby do to improve on the concept?

Baby Ava: I think the closest thing should be Sandbox, but we are not entirely the same. Because we use Land as our fundamental asset and improve the Hold to Earn part.

Baby #7: Are we plan to use Land as a requirement for other protocols to stake in Farm on Babyswap?

Baby Ava: That’s our plan, but we are still trying to find a way technically to apply the method.

Baby #8: When the PP gets online, will it be displayed only, or will the Hold to Earn rewards work?

Baby Ava: When it gets online, the Hold to Earn rewards will work at the same time. Our original plan is next Monday, coz we are really in the final stage of testing, but it really depends on how it goes. Anyways, it’s not gonna be far from Mon.

We always wanna test more before it goes online.

Baby #8: When is SpaceID integration?

Baby Ava: It’s related to IPFS, so we are trying to sync. But I think this gonna be this month.

Baby #9: Honestly, I see the baby as too powerful in this bear market. I want to see what will be in the bull market. 💎

Baby #10: Yes they are smashing it they really are!

Baby #11: You’ve mentioned that other NFT collections are going to be available to use as Landlords. I just want to say, please give priority to BWC.

Baby Ava: Yes, BWC is the priority, and also Diamond Hand!

Let’s just push away all the chaos and keep BUIDLing! I think you guys can see we are deploying at least 2 upgrades or products a week.

Baby #12: We BUDling big TIME!!!

Baby #13: Anything special about BAB?

Baby Ava: I know BBF has drawn many new users’ attention. So they will have a chance to free mint lands on other islands. But with certain limitations, such as HODLing a certain amount of BABY or so on. You should always wait for the official announcements!

Baby #14:You said earlier investors will benefit better can you elaborate, please?

Baby Ava: It’s gonna be cheaper than 1,000 BABY for other islands, but if you consider the PP it has, it’s actually gonna be more expensive than the Main Land. Plus, since we calculated the BABY output using your PP/Global PP, the earlier you HODL, the less global PP it may be. Last but not the least, PP for land on other islands is less than the Main Land. So it means, if you live on the Main Land, you will have more PP portion.

Baby #15: This is what we looking for! Ava done spilled the beans! Can the team make a graphic showing how the ecosystem works together with land and points?

Baby Ava: We will have one later this week.

Baby #16: Will rewards be paid out daily?

Baby Ava: I think it’s more like hourly, but pls wait for the official announcement. I think you can accumulate it and wait for a few days to claim.

Baby #17: Say example what kind of ratio will you get in baby rewards so people can calculate the rewards would be a massive help, please.

Baby Ava: Let me put this in Whale’s chat tmr!

Baby #18: Come see us in the whale chat more often. The community likes to hear from you. Gives a lot of confidence.

Baby #19: Is the Whale’s Chat gonna close soon? For the actual whales? Or is it always open?

Baby Ava: It’s always gonna be open, but we will have special roles for whales, and they get to enter topics that regular users can’t.

The End of our Baby Thursday

A powerful, brilliant, productive, and caring community makes the whole Baby MetaFi driven and passionate to continue HODLing and BUIDLing! So much sweet and warm messages that we received not only on Baby Thursday but the past weeks! Thanks for seeing and recognizing the efforts and results. Let’s hold hands to step into a new era gradually together! We are smashing because of you.

Don’t forget that our live question part will be moved to our Baby Whale’s Chat. Get familiar with it and wait for more surprises there.

Thank you for taking the time to read through, babies. Your thoughts matter and your caring helps Baby grow!

Once again, join our Discord here and Baby’s Whale Chat here for the most recent updates, to get the primary news without having any ‘jet lag’! And stay with Baby to HODL and BUIDL a splendid Babyverse as we promised. 💗

Principal’s Note





Disclaimer — All projects are subject to both high market risk and volatility. Please, do your own research and full due diligence before even considering investing your funds in any project, and please, make your investments very cautiously. BabySwap will not be held responsible for any investment losses.




A supportive Baby MetaFi including AMM, NFT, and GameFi for newborn projects on BNB Chain.