Have you painted the town red on Baby MetaFi last week? Baby made waves, created new records, left new traces, and stepped into a new phrase! They all happened last week!
Without further ado, let’s retrospect the golden time and cheer for the future with Baby!
💡 Newly updated features and changes 💡
Baby loves to start off with the bombshells! Get EXCITED, y’all!
What made BabySwap different last week? What new upgrades were online? Was Baby growing stronger?
New island on Baby Wonderland with new records, new adventures, and a NEW ROADMAP 🔜🌟
We will always grow and BUIDL at any time, and keep advancing and innovating to our promising future like we constantly do ever since day one!
Always DYOR with Baby and keep yourself updated with up-to-date news, info, and knowledge! DYOR is your nutrition and protection to the crypto 🔥
Baby lovers, you don’t want to miss the surprises Baby has prepared for you in 2023, and the direction Baby’s heading! Follow Baby to a Baby Era and embrace an updated Baby Ecosystem in BabySwap docs here!!
🆕 Divinity Land is Officially Launched with Impressive Records
Did you countdown with Baby on Twitter together? This time, Baby has added a 48-hour countdown on Baby Wonderland for all babies to keep track of the time! Let’s re-experience the thrilling moments from the beginning! ⏳
Firstly, we released the total quantity of Divinity Land and how they were distributed.
Then the mint time, along with the price and Prosperity Points of Divinity Land!
At this point in time, Baby has adjusted the total BABY output on Baby Wonderland! The Baby Wonderland output is increased to 3 BABY per block with the deducted BABY output from Baby Farm and Pool! With the same total $BABY emission but more added to Land!
Did you enjoy the high APR before Divinity Land came in and the profits? Did you HODL-to-earn profitably with your new lands after its launch?
Other than these necessary disclosures for the mint information, to better prepare babies for the official launch, the new looks of the Premium and Normal Divinity Land are opened to the public!
Because the Supreme Spirit’s watching, no hidden secrets in Baby Wonderland. Come and check the exquisite new looks for Not minted, Normal, and Premium lands! Can’t resist, right? That’s why you guys made such fast moves!
Woo-hoo, here comes the last part before the official launch! Countdown with Baby hours by hours. Can you still recall the excitement back then?
YESSS! You finally arrived here with Baby! The Divinity Land is officially launched, and with mind-blowing records in the next mins. We have made a new and unbeatable history with 100 of 3*3 land SOLD OUT in only 4 minutes and together with all 12,780 of 1*1 land SOLD OUT in 16 hours after its official launch! Unbelievable, right? Baby thought so as well.
Landholders! Welcome to Baby Wonderland!! Note that you can still merge land fragments for new lands with only 1,500 in supply! Babies can’t stop making history. We are HODLing and BUIDLing to a new stage 🔥
In addition, all regular mint incomes are burned! Like what Baby has done for the Main Land, 100% burn on Baby Wonderland.
1*1 lands (12,780*1,000) + 3*3 lands (100*20,000) = 14,780,000 $BABY
Burn txid can be found here. Are you all prepared to start new adventures with Baby? More to come!
Look how prosperous our Divinity Land is now.
Divinity Land residents 😍
Is your land near Scorpion Land, Main Land, Wizard Land, or Baby’s stronghold? Share your newly minted Divinity Land with Baby and Let’s make waves in the crypto world ☀️
Find out who are your new neighbors on Divinity Land this time on Baby Wonderland, and share your lands with us here.
Let’s enjoy our life on Land with irresistible $BABY output daily and more upcoming surprises in 2023!
🆕 The Updated Navigation Bar on Babyverse Map Mode
The navigation bar on Babyverse map mode is also updated and optimized accordingly, which is slightly different from the web mode yet perfect to view concise and clear content with direct targets!
For any babies who love to explore Baby MetaFi on the map mode, check the adjusted feature descriptions to better guide your way to the Baby Eco from here.
👶🏻 Be the Top 100 Places in PP Rank for Special NFB and MORE! 👶🏻
Are you the landholders who always HODL strong and BUIDL to the max on Baby Wonderland? 🥳
A snapshot of the Top 100 places in Prosperity Point Rank is done! If you are on the list, connect your wallet to check your eligibility and claim your Land Tycoon NFB here!
And as Baby has said, Land Tycoon NFB can be signed as a Landlord on Baby Wonderland! As valuable as Diamond Hand NFB, it will have the same multiplier as DH on Land, which is 1.5x to your Prosperity Points 🥳
Our precious Land Tycoon holders will be able to sign your NFB soon as Divinity Land has been launched already! Stay tuned for announcements and get ready!
More privileges will be coming for Land Tycoon NFB holders! Keep HODLing and BUIDLing the Baby Wonderland together for the most profits and blissfulness!
🛍 The Baby-Centered NFT Market To Be Explore 🛍
As a Baby-focused ‘local’ market, explore all the Baby brand NFTs with Baby in the exclusively BabySwap NFT Market!
Which NFT is your first-ever Baby collection? When did you acquire it? 🤩
Which one is your favorite Baby NFT collection or specific Baby NFT? 💗
Which collection are you HODLing the most? 💪🏻
Come to discover your personal Baby wardrobe and share your Baby NFTs here with us. Treat yourself with some fabulous NFT shopping and HODL to earn!
💥 The Activity Big Bang 💥
Have you noticed or participated in our activities or interacted with Baby last week?
Note that our events are the beginning of our consecutive activity bombing next week! Come with Baby to these marvelous activities to entertain and relax from the week of hard work!
Baby is hosting Divinity Land giveaways till next week to airdrop 30 free lands for 30 winners to live happily ever after on Baby Wonderland! Join if you haven’t yet. Check details of the giveaways with Baby now!
Baby continued with the Land giveaway bombing last week with our good friends! Have you participated in any of the giveaways? Some of them are about to end or already done! Once Baby has the winner lists of some ended Land giveaway activities with our friends, we will deploy reward claims ASAP! Stay tuned for announcements to claim 🎁
Furthermore, the free lands with Baby land giveaways on Twitter and Discord will be able to claim soon. The Top 100 Baby BAB Family (BBF) holders with at least one Baby Wonderland, which has been taken at 12 PM, March 9th are also included! Check the winner list here!
Grab your chances to enjoy the rest ongoing giveaways!
Divinity Land Giveaway with AirNFT👇🏻
Check the event post here and join!
Divinity Land Giveaway with ApolloX
Check the event post here and join!
Divinity Land Giveaway with SecondLive
Check the event post here and join!
Divinity Land Giveaway with Element NFT Marketplace
Check the event post here and join!
Divinity Land Giveaway with Rareboard
Check the event post here and join!
Don’t forget you can still get new lands by merging the land fragments you redeemed from your TCY NFTs! 1,500 limited lands are waiting ahead for you!
While having a blast on Baby Wonderland, check your eligibility for the February Baby Monthly Quiz on the BabySwap Claim page to share 1,000 $BABY!
More events and rewards claims are approaching! Hold your breath and wait for a little more ❤️
👬🏻 You Will Always Be My Friends 👭🏻
Woo-hoo!! Baby found a new best friend to joke, laugh, and high-five with!
🌏 RACA is the popular blockchain game Metamon World, NFT Marketplaces, and more! We together will bring more events on BNB Chain for the best entertainment, benefits, and experience for our babies.
And we are altogether building a better community by holding various types of events for babies!
Talkative Baby Talk
The memorable week symbolized the incredulous progress and unshakeable Baby power! Baby was literally in the seventh heaven with our accomplishments and advancement! Are you all prepared to bring your part to the entire Baby Eco and BUIDL the strongest Baby? Are you ready to let the Baby MetaFi be boomed with our persistent love and support? Pinky swear, babies! We will pan out for sure!
Principal’s Note
Disclaimer — All projects are subject to both high market risk and volatility. Please, do your own research and full due diligence before even considering investing your funds in any project, and please, make your investments very cautiously. BabySwap will not be held responsible for any investment losses.