Baby Thursday Review — Mar 16th

14 min readMar 18, 2023


Did you participate with all babies to re-experience the glorious moments in Baby MetaFi in our newly finished Baby Thursday? We never stop BUIDLing to bring the best to babies! And so do the babies, always HODLing and BUIDLing with us to together astonish the crypto world!

If you missed it, you might join our Discord here to stay informed, acquire first-hand news, and gain better insight on Baby! Additionally, stay tuned for our next Baby Thursday!

OR join our Baby’s Whale Chat here to have our Baby Thursday live question session, receive leaks and information promptly, speak with Baby directly, and interact with other babies more effectively.

Let’s review the content of our Baby Thursday on March 16th, 2023!

After Greetings and Introductions

Baby Ava: For last Baby Thursday’s live question session, check here! There are great suggestions on BUDILing Baby’s Whale Chat, and excellent questions about veBABY, which we will be talking about more today as well. Always keep yourself updated with the up-to-date news in Baby MetaFi and have your questions answered before heading to the next step. The new channel of today’s Q&A is open, welcome and let’s meet after Baby Thursday later here.

Uncle Terry: Woo-hoo. Another Baby Thursday’s here! That’s literally what I am always expecting. And surprisingly to say that we actually have three Baby Thursdays this month! Wonderful March!

Baby Ava: Exactly! One more on the very last day of March as I recall.

Uncle Terry: It’s actually the second to last day! But anyways, more to be revealed!!

Baby Ava: Nice catch! Yes, perfect to start the month, wrap up in the middle of the month, and finish up to expect a brand-new April. We love March! Oh, I can’t wait to talk about some of our amazing accomplishments in the past two weeks. Let’s step on it!

Baby Wonderland!! Of course, we will go into Land first. For the past weeks, not being exaggerated at all, we were showering under the Divinity Land giveaways and free land claims, right? Didn’t really count the number of giveaways we had on our Twitter, Discord, and with our partners, there are approximately over 20 giveaways? Or a little bit less? Anyways, A LOT, literally! You can actually call it a giveaway bombing! The ones in Baby MetaFi (Baby Twitter and Discord) are done and rewards are available to be claimed on our Claim page here, along with some Divinity Land giveaways with our partners. The rest will be able to claim once we have the organized winner lists from our partners, still collecting them, so please wait up!

Do you think they are the end of the Divinity Land giveaways? NOT YET! As you can get the remaining number of the lands for marketing out of 1,000, there still are lands reserved for more events! Did you participate in the Baby Wonderland PFP Upload Campaign on the 13th on our Twitter? It is a 4-week campaign for babies to win 80 free lands! Let me briefly fill you in. Basically, upload your land profile picture on either Divinity Land or Main Land, or both the fastest after the campaign is announced on Twitter! The Top 20 landholders (Top 10 on Divinity Land and Top 10 on Main Land) with their PFPs uploaded the fastest will be selected to share 20 free lands every week. This time, not the amount that matters but the time you spent! Note that all 2*2 lands or larger size lands are allowed to upload their unique profile pictures, merge and upload! And one more thing, NO repeated uploads are allowed!! We will cross-check every time to be fair to all babies.

Is that all? Not even close! Next week, there will be an exclusive Divinity Land giveaway on Discord. Yes, here! The form would be a pop quiz, and the content, sorry, Ava can’t say! But I know that you guys are all Dr.Know-Baby-Well, so no worries! Get them all!

Every single land matters, right? You may get one that’s right next to the land that you wanna merge! Who knows. So don’t miss any chance to have your Prosperity Points added, $BABY output increased, and land expanded!

Uncle Terry: Oh my! I really thought all giveaways were done. Glad that I always keep myself updated closely. Gonna rush to every party room!

Baby Ava: That’s the right thing to do! What’s more on Divinity Land in the last week? The official launch, of course!!

We absolutely made breathtaking history with the launch of Divinity Land! All 100 of 3*3 were sold out in 4 minutes right after the launch at 2 PM UTC. Can you believe it? Only 4 minutes! It took 17 minutes for the 3*3 lands on Main Land. However, that’s pretty reasonable coz babies weren’t so sure about how Baby Wonderland’s gonna be back then. Moreover, all 13,680 (12,780 of 1*1 lands and 100 of 3*3 lands) were sold out within 16 hours!! How incredible it can be! We now have such strong and powerful Baby landholders, and together we HODL for more amazing surprises on Land in the future.

Even though the regular mint is done, there are still lands left for land fragment merging with a total of 1,500 in supply, along with the land campaigns I just mentioned above! Get your eligibility and win extra lands for more BABY!

Uncle Terry: I was completely shocked as well! Haven’t got my 3*3 lands 😭 I was only 2 minutes behind to open the Land page! I should’ve known how popular and profitable Land is that must attract tons of users. I was upset for days, but never forget to mint more 1*1 lands though. I can merge them, anyways! But I learned my lesson.

Baby Ava: What a profound experience and introspection, lol! But there are always millions of opportunities in Baby MetaFi. Remember we still have 4 more islands to be launched? Great that you have your lesson learned now and you will surely be fully prepared next time! No worries. We all actually didn’t expect they would be gone this fast, but you know, Baby always makes waves!

Okey-dokey! Let’s continue then. With the new land added, your land assets can be filtered by locations, sizes, and types for convenient management and checking! Did you notice the 4 little icons for the rest of the islands? Let’s light them up one by one! And to better prepare for the Divinity Land launch, the Land mobile version was online in advance! We want all babies to be benefited from minting and holding on to their most comfy devices, and ensure babies have the access to land regardless of location, time, and devices!

Continue! The snapshot for both the Top 100 places in Land Prosperity Point Rank with the special NFB — Land Tycoon as rewards and the Top 100 BBF holders with at least one land and free lands are the rewards are all settled before the official launch. Both rewards are available to claim now as well. Land Tycoon NFB can be signed as a Landlord as we have said before! It has the same multiplier of 1.5x as our Diamond Hand NFB, which will be available to sign soon in March! Keep HODLing strong for extensive privileges on Land. The series of Land Tycoon NFBs will be released before every new land launch! Hold long and tight!

Uncle Terry: Love the design of the Land Tycoon NFB and the name! I feel like Baby goes well with all costumes and designs, lol. So honored to be in the top 100 and appreciate the returns from Baby! We not only earn from Land but are granted privileges from Baby! Nothing more to ask!

Baby Ava: But we will always give more even if no babies’ asking for them! Coz we can’t come this far without babies!

Moreover, the side contract for partner-vault-withdraw use, V1 BabySwap NFB, and Binance NFB were online after the 48-hour timelock. Babies can claim your staked V1 BabySwap NFB with no rewards as we have emphasized before, and Binance NFB, which was told to be burned but Baby managed to bring them back. And for babies who staked in our partner’s vaults that have integrated with BabySwap’s Farm and Pool, the side contract allows you to withdraw your staked assets!

At the same time, with the updates and optimizations on our web mode navigation bar, the Babyverse map mode is also improved! With slight differences, but a perfect fit in the map mode. Explore the Babyverse with logic, friendly operation, and elaborate yet concise details! And choose either mode that you like, both ways will lead you to crypto-rich with Baby!

Here comes our newest update! Have you spotted the updates with your connected wallet on our homepage? If you haven’t set your DID profile picture, you will only see a small wallet icon next to your wallet address, but if you have a DID profile picture, the cutie Baby avatar will be shown next to your wallet address! Since we have so many default Baby avatars, as well as BWC and BBF open for DID PFP, feel free to change one every day or set one for each wallet, and enjoy exploring with the little Baby! Functions and appearance both matter!

Uncle Terry: How do you know my plan? I am the one who set DID profile pics for all my wallet addresses and planning to change to a different avatar later, lmao! Oh, clicking on your little Baby icon can direct you to the DID page, and the wallet address stays the same, where you can manage your address.

Baby Ava: Thank you for adding that! You are now more Dr.Baby than me, jajajajajaja.

To wrap up with the past accomplished before we head into our future plans, and continue with what Baby gives to babies! That’s why we decided on major updates like Baby Liquidity Pool, veBABY, and Baby DAO. Not to mention GameFi on Baby Wonderland, and so on. More benefits for babies and the Baby brand! Where can you keep track of our progress? All these are well-reflected on our updated Baby roadmap.

More has been done in Q1 2023 with more to come in Q2! Stay tuned for each of our goals to be achieved! Let’s BUIDL together for a bright future in the new Baby era! Read more details of our roadmap in our docs here. Docs will be updated gradually and accordingly to our schedule and new structure!

Uncle Terry: The updated roadmap in our docs is comprehensive with all the accomplishments we had even back in 2021! It’s mind-blowing to see how much a little Baby has achieved and how productive Baby is since day 1. Looking forward to keeping growing with Baby!

Baby Ava: Baby’s almost 2 years old with more years to go, woo-hoo! No matter how old Baby is, we will always and forever BUIDL and grow like a newborn baby with unlimited potential, energy, and curiosity! And stay true to our vision! Baby never quits!

Now let’s talk about our following plans. With the launch of Divinity Land, we will have some optimizations to do to bring the best experience and the most convenient operations for our babies. Minor yet make great differences. As mentioned, Land Tycoon NFB can sign as a Landlord very soon! And the Landlord part will be upgraded with the adjusted display order. The already signed Landlord will be moved to the back with the unsigned Landlord to the front for babies to easily select them to sign. Moreover, like what we have done with the location, size, and type filters, we will each have a unique link to every tab on Baby Wonderland. So basically, there is no ‘Mint’ page, ‘My Land’ page, or ‘Land Output’ page on Baby Wonderland now. We usually just go to Land and click on tabs according to our needs. But later, you can go directly to where you want with the specific link you have without further clicking around on the tabs. It’s also perfect for new users to explore Baby Wonderland with purposes or targeted needs.

Uncle Terry: Oh yes! That’s really nice for new landholders to locate effortlessly since effortless and idyllic life is what we expect on Baby Wonderland!

Baby Ava: Doing everything we can to make our precious landholders live happily ever after with continuous benefits, convenience, and surprises on Land!

Moving on, we will make the land fragment redemption page more exercisable when using. For example, the share option after every successful merge of your land fragments, that’s like a drill in Baby MetaFi as Baby loves sharing. And a more obvious and direct guide to purchasing on Baby NFT Market will be added, and vice versa! You can go from Baby NFT Market directly to Land to merge your land fragments, etc.

Furthermore, ‘My Balance’ when you click on ‘Buy Now’ to purchase directly on Baby Wonderland will be updated. As babies can purchase land directly on Land without going back and forth to Baby NFT Market and Land, the whole purchase process and the display will be optimized for a better trading experience gradually!

More updates about Land! The Land Sales Bot will be launched on Telegram soon, as it has already launched on Discord. For those who don’t know about our Sales Bot, it’s a useful bot for babies to keep track of the land trading on the Baby NFT Market with up-to-date info! You can also use it to adjust your strategies accordingly. Always make full use of all features in Baby MetaFi for your own good!

One last on Land is the feature to make a land offer and exchange lands! I know you guys are waiting for this especially when the new land is launched. Hard to find landholders who have your wanted lands but haven’t listed them on Baby NFT Market yet, but wanna merge lands to a bigger size but lack some specific lands… We will have them solved! We have prioritized it and are currently working on it! Hold your breath for a little bit more, and it will be online in March!

Uncle Terry: So many updates on Land! I believe we will be much better prepared before the next island comes and with more islands open, Baby Wonderland will literally be the neverland to live in!

Baby Ava: That’s for sure and always our goal!

After we finish up with Land, let’s get into the token swap feature on BabySwap. Remember that we had several updates in early March? More are on the way! First of all, you will be able to add the token that you want to swap, which is not yet listed on BabySwap manually for yourself! All these unlisted tokens will be imported from CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko. To do so, babies can swap their wanted tokens easily on BabySwap, and since all these unlisted tokens will be coming from CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko, you will experience secure trading with verified tokens that reduce scam risks. However! Note that always DYOR before you make any financial and important decisions. DYOR is your protection while venturing through the crypto world! And note that when you add an unlisted token from CoinMarketCap or CoinGecko on BabySwap, the token will only be added for you to trade. No one else will be able to swap this token without adding it to their token list themselves!

Second of all, it could be troublesome to check the trending token rankings with top gainers and top trading volume (24h) on our homepage, mark them down, and then switch to the Swap page to trade. Even opening two tabs on your screen could not be that convenient to operate. Therefore, we will remove the trending token rankings to the Swap page to make it conspicuous to view and check without any other complicated operations! Never lied about BUIDLing to the most user-centered and operation-friendly platform, right?

Uncle Terry: Yessss!! Shout out to the BUIDLest Baby!

Baby Ava: Yoo-hoo! Unstoppable!

Lastly on token swap on BabySwap is Bridge! You must have noticed the last blueprint we have for 2023 — multichain expansion! The Bridge will be the first step in our expansion, and BABY will soon be a multichain token that exists in several chains! More will be revealed later on when we push forward the progress. We are working on it!

Speaking of our 2023 blueprint, we know BLP (Baby Liquidity Pool), veBABY, and Baby DAO are hot topics in our community other than land, and most curiosities are related to veBABY. Let’s fill you in with more details!

veBABY, the Vote-Escrowed BABY, is the updated version of vBABY and Baby Pool, where you can enjoy the privileges and powers by locking your BABY into Baby DAO and being a veBABY holder for a longer time. We offer lock periods that count in weeks. Babies can lock up their BABY for up to 52 weeks to get twice as many veBABY. As the BABY locked is about to reach the unlock date, the balance of the veBABY decreases linearly, approximately 1 veBABY for every 1 BABY when the remaining unlock time is zero.

If babies want to unlock BABY in advance within the lock period, they could but have to pay a redemption fee accordingly. That’s the same as vBABY now. For dividends, they will be coming from protocol revenue, redemption fee from veBABY holders, BABY, and many others will be added in as time goes by! The same as vBABY again, the more veBABY you hold the more dividends you get and dividends will be distributed daily! The rewards from vBABY and Baby Pool now will be terminated when veBABY launches and the total BABY output will be adjusted accordingly to veBABY and other features!

You can expect the best future with ceaseless updates, innovations, optimizations, and advancements in Baby Eco! Baby is growing strong each day with so much more to accomplish!!

Uncle Terry: I love the beginning of our newly updated roadmap on our docs! “Baby always orbits around the advancement of the crypto world, revolving on our own axis and rate of progress with visions to forever grow like a rising star no matter how long we have established, constantly updating and optimizing to live like an ever-burning lamp to shine babies’ ways to the crypto wealthy.” Quite emotional when I see this because I know how Baby braves the wind and the waves in any situation! We love Baby!

Baby Ava: Keep loving and supporting Baby because Baby will have zillions to give in the near future! And Baby is keeping optimizing and BUIDLing Baby Wonderland and the entire Baby Eco with the new BLP, veBABY, Baby DAO, and more! Let me hear your questions in Baby’s Whale Chat here. Looking forward to hearing great questions from you!

Highlighted Community Q&A time in Baby’s Whale Chat!

Baby #1: Can you tell us something about GameFi?

Baby Ava: The most I can say now is that the GameFi will be built on Baby Wonderland with every single land and all landholders involved! BABY will surely be the utility token! Stay closely with us and we will fill you in in advance!

Baby #2: To clarify, veBABY is different from vBABY, yes? vBABY will remain as it is?

Baby Ava: Yes to question 1. Similar but different as vBABY comes with membership dividends, but veBABY has not only dividends but privileges, rights, and power in Baby DAO. veBABY is the upgrade version of vBABY, therefore, vBABY will not remain as it is.

Baby #3: Are we gonna be able to switch vBABY for veBABY without losing 10%?

Baby Ava: Yes! The 10% redemption fee will be waived at that time.

Baby #4: Should I leave my vBABY as it is or redeem them? will the vBABY be automatically converted to veBABY?

Baby Ava: Make the best decision for yourself based on your needs! And more details about veBABY will be revealed when the time comes!

The End of our Baby Thursday

We summarized our accomplishments and strategic plans perfectly in the middle of the month, and are planning to bring more benefits and surprises to babies! Stay with us will be the best decision you have ever made! Baby Ecosystem is gonna be stunning without a doubt. Get ready for that!

Thank you for taking the time to read through, babies. Your thoughts matter and your caring help Baby grow!

Once again, join our Discord here and Baby’s Whale Chat here for the most recent updates, to get the primary news without having any ‘jet lag’! And stay with Baby to HODL and BUIDL a splendid Babyverse as we promised. 💗

Principal’s Note





Disclaimer — All projects are subject to both high market risk and volatility. Please, do your own research and full due diligence before even considering investing your funds in any project, and please, make your investments very cautiously. BabySwap will not be held responsible for any investment losses.




Written by BabySwap

A supportive Baby MetaFi including AMM, NFT, and GameFi for newborn projects on BNB Chain.

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