Baby Thursday Review — Aug 18

12 min readAug 20, 2022


Have all of your curiosities about Baby MetaFi been satisfied?

An engaging and fascinating Baby Thursday with babies participating and interacting! Thorough updates in the last two weeks and future plans, additional leaks and use cases for Baby Wonderland. A super supportive and harmonious community atmosphere and power motivate us more to HODL and BUIDL!

If you missed it, you may join our Discord here to stay informed, acquire first-hand news, and gain a better insight on Baby! Additionally, stay tuned for our next Baby Thursday! 🏃🏻

OR join our Baby’s Whale Chat here to receive the more leaks and information promptly, speak with Baby directly and interact with other babies more effectively.

Take a glance at the Baby Thursday review of August 18, 2022 to make sure you are with us!

After Greetings and Introductions

Uncle Terry: Now let’s dive directly into the progress of Baby MetaFi in the last two weeks. I’ve personally noticed several updates and launches, which are fascinating! Please fill us in!

Baby Ava: Nice catch there! Yes, we are focusing heavily on the development of DID and Babyverse. I believe most of you have also noticed or experienced it. But still, let me elaborate each of them in case you missed one or two.

Firstly, to the feedback we received from the community, we optimized the Babyverse map to make adaptable canvas rendering for a 4K display with a high-resolution interface and animation to be zoomed in. Check it out you haven’t yet here. We always respond and act as soon as we can because we are pretty community-centered as you see, and we value all the voices and suggestions!

Uncle Terry: We are! We always have a section special for all the advice and suggestions in the team meeting as a routine.

Baby Ava: Next, DID!! As I said in the previous Baby Thursday, you are now able to enrich your web 3 profile, and integrate your web 3 and web 2 lives! So far we have Twitter and Email available for you to connect to DID. Specifically speaking, we’ve got several ideas from our supportive community about privacy. Yes, if you connect your Twitter account to DID, and you share your link with others, they will be able to track your Twitter account. While Email is only visible to yourself. Suit yourself to bound them or not, they are not mandatory and can be unbounded at any time! And of course, it’s not the end, you will be able to subscribe to our newsletter via Email later on for any latest updates, promotions, and activities.

In addition, Telegram and Discord connections will not be far away anymore! That’s not all for our DID last week! Another update last week was our DID default avatars. Community is the core of BabySwap, so we’d love to create national babies that represent your countries and areas! We now have Puerto Rico, Iran, Turkey, China, and Indonesia National Baby available as DID profile pictures, because they got the most votes in our last event. Have you checked them out? Are there any other countries or areas that you want to have for DID default avatars? Feel free to show us your community eager, react with your flag here! Let’s look forward to discovering more features on DID here.

Uncle Terry: That’s tremendous! So impressive to see how much effort BabySwap has put in on BUIDLing and making the community and market better! Effectively and steadily, right? Anything else?

Baby Ava: Surely! Aside from the development of DID and Babyverse, we are bent on DEX BUIDLing as well cuz this is our fundamental. Several optimizations have been online, such as adding sound effects while choosing tokens to swap, and setting $BABY as the default token when entering the exchange page. To create a more user-friendly and user-centered environment, we are optimizing and updating Swap and NFT Market features. You are expected to see more incredible changes soon!

As I’ve mentioned above about how much we value community voices, we’ve received many suggestions from all our social media platforms on strengthening local marketing. Yes, we are doing it! We’ve done some promotions in the Persian community and apparently they worked quite well. So we are collaborating with the marketing service company to start more local community marketing and make our community stronger and cohesive! Stay tuned to see more coming up!

Uncle Terry: Lovely! Community is the core and our asset! Not many projects are as sweet and thoughtful as BabySwap does! Let’s wait and see! Now I guess many of you are expecting to hear some plans and details of the upcoming features! Share some with us to satisfy our curiosity please!

Baby Ava: Lol as you wish! Let’s start with the trending page first, users will be able to check out the trading volume! Wait.. it’s just online! I thought it might be next week but our devs are fast. Now you will be able to see the trading volume ranking of BNB Chain and find more gems. By simply clicking the token, you will be able to trade instantly on BabySwap, easy peasy.

Moving on, if you guys have paid attention to the Baby MetaFi Feature Map, you can easily see how much we’ve accomplished and some more to go!

Uncle Terry: Tell us more about Land! The exciting Baby Wonderland!

Baby Ava: I just posted the leak on Baby’s Whale Chat several hours ago and you should all check it more often :))) I’m gonna talk about the description of each island today, just copy from what I posted.

Main Land

Is the enigmatic Main Land really shaped like a pacifier? What does it stand for? Is there something incredibly special that babies can find there? What kind of babies can live on the Main Land? Pacifiers have their own power. If you decide to move to the Main Land, you will be living in modern buildings just like Babyverse.

Scorpion Land

Seems like a scorpion symbolizes something special in this Land. Please do not take it wrong, it’s something sacred instead of evil. There might be sand storms, but you will always know the way home. If you decide to move to the Scorpion Land, you will be living in ancient earthen buildings.

Frosty Land

It’s freezing cold!! Take my word for it — you should be wearing some warm clothes here! How could it be so cold and covered with ice and snow? It’s so cold that even the time can freeze — the clock ticks way too slow that one second is like forever. If you decide to move to the Frosty Land, you will be living in Igloos with thick furs.

Ghost Land

Boo! Please never ever venture out at night. With the exception of Wednesdays, though, when you need some thrills! The brave and adventurous nature of babies makes it possible to embark on exciting adventures wherever! Oh, and the ghosts here seem to be rather hospitable from what you can imagine — after I unintentionally left the fire on one day, they turned it off for me! What are they seeking? Will we coexist harmoniously here? If you decide to move to the Ghost Land, you will be living in old castles with nothing but bravery.

Wizard Land

Do not talk about common sense here because it’s the world of magic! The home of wizards is saturated with mysterious and miraculous buildings, magics, and herbs. Be very careful if someone hands you a drink, you could end up turning into a rabbit or some other creature! Explore whatever you want, but don’t trespass on wizards’ properties or piss them off because they are brilliant in the pharmacy. You surely don’t like to be drugged. If you decide to move to the Wizard Land, you will be living in vial-shaped houses with a large cauldron in your backyard.

Divinity Land

Faith is on top of anything here! Your sins will be washed away once you step on the land. The soil and air will sublimate your soul for ultimate inner peace. Do you see the light that indicates victory in the future? Do you lay aside all the love and hatred from the secular world? Seek your faith, and go for omniscience. If you decide to move to the Wizard Land, you will be living in white and sharp-roof buildings where you can meditate at any time.

Remember these are not just descriptions of islands, I actually spoiled more than these.. Read carefully and make your own guess!

Uncle Terry: Yes I captured several keywords….

Baby Ava: To be a little bit more specific, Baby Wonderland is the feature and the basis of Babyverse, where you can buy your own land property, build your home, and settle for crypto life and rewards. It is not only the carrier of Web 3 baby believers, but also the fundamental of the new BABY tokenomic. How BABY would be produced each day heavily depends on the Wonderland itself.

We have 3 phases in Baby Wonderland.

Phase 1 is related to the Land itself, where you can initially mint your land assets in Baby Wonderland, and also trade them in the secondary market. You will be able to combine the nearby 1x1 land assets together to a larger square, for example 3x3, 6x6, or even larger. The mint of each island will be gradually open, and won’t be minted all at once. Please also note that the land assets you mint can be a Normal Land or a Premium land. The detailed differences of these two kinds will be further explained in later periods.

I’m gonna keep the next 2 phases for now. That’s so much for today! Another thing I can mention is that, all the income of Land will be burnt, and land will be responsible for the partial daily output of BABY. As I’ve mentioned previously, there will be tokenomic upgrade after land comes out. The upgrade is decreasing the daily output and increasing burns.

Uncle Terry: Geez!! That’s HUGE and is what everybody cares the most now! Be patient HODLing and BUIDLing, babies. Greatness comes with thorough and uncountable works! They can be a bit slow, as long as they meet the users’ needs and produce fulfilling results! It’s BabySwap! I know that BabySwap never let us down!

Baby Ava: Yes! Every step we made is concrete and steady. We all know the community focuses heavily on marketing and tokenomic upgrades, which eventually narrow down to the price.

I know you can see us BUIDLing, but the process is pretty tough, isn’t it? So we wanna let you know that, we care and we practice on what you advise. I think we may be one of the projects that has the most places to receive feedback, maintain this healthy relationship, and have healthy talks with our community. If we are not confident in BUIDLing and do not have anything to develop, I wouldn’t even know what I should tell you guys. We are vividly active on Twitter, Discord, and Telegram. We keep upgrading and optimizing new and old features to make them perfect. We listen closely to the community and adjust or deploy accordingly. They all are the proofs and traces. Here we are, facing up to you guys confidently, have this conversation every two weeks, and me posting leaks on Baby Whale Chat more frequently.

We know what you care about, that’s what we want as well. Circle back to the information that mentioned above, as of marketing, we are working on local marketing, Tokenomic upgrade will be with Baby Wonderland like what I’ve said. The core factors of Tokenomics are output and burn, less output and more burn. We will get there for sure!

Community Q&A time!

Baby #2: Hello Baby Ava, you had mentioned a while back something about bifinity partnership? So we can directly purchase BABY with credit card! Is this still in the works?

Baby Ava: Yes it’s going thru our legal department, cuz it relates to fiat, and we need to work carefully on this.

Baby #2: This is HUGE 😍😍😍😍😍😍💯🔥🔥🔥

Baby Ava: Especially for things like Tornado happened, the department is quite cautious lol.

Baby #3: All I can say is GEM 💎


Baby Ava: Guess you guys are happy about all the leaks today

Baby #5: What happened of Bybit listing, last time we conduct voting, can we get success.

Baby Ava: We are still in discussion with them. So it’s still in progress, not the end of the story yet.

Baby #6: Will BWC owners have land WL?

Baby Ava: Yes yes, I think i mentioned last time, but you have to meet certain requirements.

Baby #7: When can we expect LAND? Mint to Start.

Baby Ava: At the very end of August or beginning of Sept, depending on the CertiK report time.

Baby #8: Would you consider creating an Instagram page and Youtube Channel for Babyswap, I think a Youtube Channel could expand the Baby brand even more.

Baby Ava: Thought about Instagram before, but feeling like it’s more fit for BWC right? Imagine a baby posting on socials about daily life lol That be cute and can attract more. For YouTube we are thinking of create a channel that gathers all the related videos in the folder.

Baby #9: Are you waiting to finish several things in Baby and then enter binance? Is it a strategy? You do incredible things, it would seem that you are part of a secret Binance team.

Baby Ava: We don’t normally talk about Binance but lol It’s always good to get listed at a higher price, so we have more spaces to pump, friends talk

Baby #10: It would be great to increase our AMM exposure by integrating it to other projects in BNB Chain, this can increase trading volume.

Baby Ava: Yes, like 1inch, 0x… several other huge ones, we’ve had many already, still reaching out for more.

Baby #11: When twitter spaces? You know Baby Ava every once in a while would be something cool.

Baby Ava: Yes thinking about doing it for thousands of times, let’s see what’s the right time and the right topic to start the first one. Cuz for important leaks and so, we want it to be in text, for records.

Baby #14: So BABY is having v2 token upgrades?

Baby Ava: With the Land ecosystem, yes. Land will be the important factor of BABY output later on.

Baby #16: Hoy much land supply?

Baby Ava: This seems to be a question that i’m not allowed to answer today lol. I will try to sneakily copy some more and post on the Leak section next week.

Baby #17: So we can buy land inside Babyverse wonderland?

Baby Ava: Yes.

Baby #18: Which Island would you think will be the most suitable for Baby Chun-Li?

Baby Ava: I feel like Chun-Li should be on Main Land or Scorpion somehow.

Baby #19: Also, in my opinion Pool APR should be going up!

Baby Ava:: Pool APR depends on the BABY output, we certainly can’t raise the output anymore 😦 vBABY has a higher APR tho if you hold for long term.

Baby #20: Does baby wonderland have the tools to create our own world? Like Sandbox.

Baby Ava: Not in phase 1, but later phases yes.

Baby #21: When BWC staking?

Baby Ava: Nice try 😉 Easy on me lol.

Baby #21: Please allow us to use our crypto you nft characters inside Babyverse wonderland.. it will mean so much to people that bought the nft.. let it be for character for me blue games, music, movies etc.

Baby Ava: I was just checking with my colleague who handles the land product, the answer is not likely possible 😦

Baby #22: Can we get into the 3d world at the Phase 1?

Baby Ava: Not in phase 1, in later stages 🙂

Baby #23: Does the team still have enough funds to develop new features?( Without selling the baby).

Baby Ava: Yes, considering the multi-source incomes, we are fortunate that we are in well-balance.

The End of our Baby Thursday

Every and each one of you was saturated with the anticipation for the latest and upcoming updates! Excellent and straight-to-the-point questions, sincere and encouraging suggestions, loving and harmonious atmosphere, as well as sweet compliments and recognitions! That’s how and why Baby MetaFi is growing steadily and resolutely each day! No one will back out since we have the support of this lovely, experienced, and strong community!

Thank you for taking the time to read through, babies. Your thoughts matter and your caring helps Baby grow!

Once again, join our Discord here and Baby’s Whale Chat here for the most recent updates, to get the primary news without having any ‘jet lag’! And stay with Baby to HODL and BUIDL a splendid Babyverse as we promised. 💗

Principal’s Note





Disclaimer — All projects are subject to both high market risk and volatility. Please, do your own research and full due diligence before even considering investing your funds in any project and please, make your investments very cautiously. BabySwap will not be held responsible for any investment losses.

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Written by BabySwap

A supportive Baby MetaFi including AMM, NFT, and GameFi for newborn projects on BNB Chain.

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